24 Jun 2006 15:00:00 UTC-0500 as newlyweds!

Merideth is Emilee's younger sister! She attends Lakota East as a sophomore. She is one of Emilee's Maids of Honor!
Ellie is Emilee's youngest sister! She attends Hopewell Junior High School as a seventh grader. She is Emilee's other Maid of Honor!
Sarah is Emilee's cousin and attends Taylor University! She is majoring in Elementary Education!

Sarah lives in Grosse Ile, Michigan.
Emilee has known Mallary ever since 5th grade in their church program of AWANA. They’ve grown up together and have been friends throughout church and school! She goes to South Carolina University and is a junior majoring in Business.
Emilee met Megan in seventh grade. They began to get close their sophomore year of high school and still stay in touch till this day!

Megan is currently a student at Ohio University as a junior!
Emma is Donovan's cousin! She is 5 years old and so cute! Donovan and Emilee can't wait to see her and Jackson walking together at the wedding! She is the daughter of Dan and Mel Marley.

Daniel is Donovan's younger brother! They both have grown close over the years by playing sports and sharing hobbies together. They both currently attend college together.

Daniel is currently a sophomore at The Ohio State University majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
Rob is a long time friend of Donovan since grade school.

Rob is currently a student at College for Creative Studies in Detriot, Michigan specializing in transportation design and product design.

Rob will be working in Japan this summer for Toyota to design cars!

Rob is also engaged and will be the next of us to get married!
Nathan is a long time friend of Donovan through high school and church. He was the first of us to graduate and move away and Donovan is looking forward to bringing him home for the wedding!

Nathan is a 2005 graduate of Miami University with a major in Finance.

Nathan currently works for Douglas Group, a private investment banking firm in St. Louis.
Andy is a long time friend of Donovan since grade school and through scouting. Andy is a fellow Eagle Scout and both have shared many camping trips and other fun experiences together!

Andy is currently a senior at the University of Cincinnati majoring in Operations Management and Real Estate.

Andy is also a Firefighter and EMT for Fairfield Township.
Kurt is a long time friend of Donovan from high school and through church. Kurt and Donovan have shared many double dates with their significant others, Mallary and Emilee, who are also friends. Kurt and Donovan also ride motorcycles together!

Kurt is currently a student at the University of South Carolina majoring in psychology.
Jackson is Donovan's youngest cousin! He is 4 years old and so cute! Donovan and Emilee can't wait to see him and Emma walking together at the wedding! Jackson is the son of Joe and Anita Manwell.

Others involved in our wedding!:

Pastor Lew Davis - Officiant
Sandy Davis - Pianist
Karen Dunn - Singer
Kate Brumback - Singer
Rev. Lowell Reeder - Singer
Jeremy Couture - Master of Ceremony

DonovanAndEmilee.com © 2006